Book: Extreme Ownership

Book: Extreme Ownership – How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win

Author: Jocko Willink and Leif Babin


  1. Ownership? Why -> What — “Own it all!”
  2. Prioritize and Execute

Book Review: Give and Take – Why Helping Others Drives Our Success

GIVE AND TAKE-Why Helping Others Drives Our SuccessBook: GIVE AND TAKE-Why Helping Others Drives Our Success

Author: Adam Grant



Our success depends on how we approach and interact with others. Every time we interact with another person, we have a choice to make, do we claim as much value as we can, or contribute without worrying about what we receive in return. Grant argues that we all fall into one of three categories:

  • Givers – prefer to give more than they get, and focus on how they can help others achieve more with no strings attached.
  • Takers – They like to get more than they give, self promote and take all the credit.
  • Matchers-are those who maintain a fine balance of giving and taking.

Statistically speaking Givers dominate BOTH the top AND the bottom of the success ladder. Being a Giver can help drive people to a higher level of success. The Goal is to align your giving efforts while still keeping your own interests in sight, using them as a guide for choosing when, where, how and to whom to give.

My Big Take Aways:

  1. NETWORKING- Networking is a great way to find opportunities to GIVE by seeking to help others achieve their goals. “If you set out to help others you will rapidly reinforce your own reputation and expand your universe of possibilities.” Reid Hoffman LinkedIn Founder. This caused me to reflect on the number of people that are already in my network that I can reach out to and seek to help them progress in their goals.
  2. AM I THE GIVER IN THE GROUP? “It is proven that when groups include one consistent giver, the other members of the group want to give more. The presence of a single giver is enough to establish a norm of giving.” If I can make the effort to ensure I am coming from a place of Giving in all of my relationships this will encourage others to Give as well.
  3. SEE THE POTENTIAL IN EVERYONE- In one of the studies outlined in the book it showed that individuals performed on a much higher level if their leader believed in them. It was a change of mindset for both the Leader AND the follower. The Leader was willing to spend more quality time with the follower because they saw their potential and thus set higher expectations for the student. The Student excelled because they received positive encouragement from someone they respected. Demonstrate high beliefs in the potential of those whom you lead, set high expectations and motivate them to results. By doing so, you become a role model of GIVING



BOOK FOR NEXT MONTH: Starting with WHY by Simon Sinek

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